Bekki and Adam's Wedding

Bekki and Adam's Wedding

To Stanford Barn
700 Welch Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304    [Map]

From 101
Take the University Ave Exit, West
Take University through downtown Palo Alto
After you pass El Camino, turn right on Arboretum Rd.
At the first light (Quarry Rd.), turn left
Turn right on Welch Rd, and right into the first driveway
Follow signs directing you to the entrance of the center courtyard

From 280
Take Sandhill Rd. Exit, East
Take Sandhill past hospital, almost to Stanford Shopping Center
Turn right on Vineyard (just before Nordstrom's)
Turn right into first parking lot
Follow signs directing you to the entrance of the center courtyard

To Ming's Restaurant
1700 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303    [Map]

From 101
Take Embarcadero Exit, East
Turn Right at first stop light, Ming's is immediately on the left